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Did you know that about 70% or more of your SAT Writing score is based on the grammar multiple-choice section?
True, the SAT Essay is an important component of your writing score – but your grammar skills will have a much greater effect on your score than your rhetorical skills.
Therefore, it’s absolutely essential to do some effective SAT grammar practice before the day of the test.
Without this kind of preparation, you’re going to be going into the test blind… not knowing what to look for, or what topics will be on the test… and you really can’t afford to be so clueless when it comes to the SAT, which, for the average high school student, is an extremely important test.
Where is the best SAT Grammar practice?
You might have one problem, though – you just don’t know where to find good, well-written, and relevant grammar practice questions, lessons, and worksheets.
After all, “English Grammar” is a pretty huge topic… and you’ve got other activities, classes, and sports on your plate, I’m sure!
You might browse through dozens of SAT grammar practice books on, unable to determine which are worth your time and money, and which aren’t.

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Maybe on Amazon you can use other user’s reviews to narrow down the field, but those reviews are still mostly going to be written by other students who aren’t experts on the SAT any more than you are!
What you need is someone qualified to just TELL you what to study and how to practice grammar in preparation for the SAT Writing section, right?
How exactly should you practice SAT grammar?
Beyond just knowing where to find your grammar practice questions, you need a way to quickly figure out exactly where you need to focus your grammar-studying efforts… I mean, if you already have a perfect understanding of singular/plural rules, for example, then why waste time on them?
But then again, how would you even know if you understood singular/plural rules well enough to ace the SAT? Who can tell you if you’re ready, or if you’re not? Or, consider the grammar topics that you might not understand. Do you really think you’ll be able to find those topics in an ordinary table of contents and just study up on them?
NO – I’m telling you this won’t work – because if you don’t understand a topic, you probably don’t know the name of that topic; you probably don’t even know you’re making grammar mistakes!
Wouldn’t it be helpful to know exactly what types of questions you might miss, and exactly what grammar questions you already know how to do?
Basically, you don’t need any ordinary grammar book, and you don’t have time to waste searching through all the grammar books ever written.
How my SAT grammar practice book is one of the best options out there:
That’s where I come in: I’m a perfect-scoring 2400-club member, and a professional SAT tutor with my own successful tutoring business, and I took it upon myself to write an SAT grammar practice book that solves all these problems at once.
I was also frustrated by the lack of excellent SAT grammar practice books, so I spent 9 months writing, testing, and editing my own. I think this book is easily one of the top SAT writing prep books out there, and it approaches the problem from a slightly different angle than other books.
This book is focused on getting you the most points in the least time. It’s not meant to be 100% comprehensive, but to cover the MOST common topics… about 90% of the test… while leaving off the weird and unusual topics that make up a very minor part of your score.
By leaving off the rare and weird grammar topics that don’t show up on every SAT test, I’ve greatly increased the efficiency of your time spent practicing.
If you’re not interested in this book by now, I think you’re crazy… and good luck improving your SAT Writing score, because I think you’re going to need it!!
Without devoted study, it’s impossible to improve.
For everyone else who doesn’t want to depend on luck to ACE the SAT Writing section, you should click on this link to my SAT Grammar Practice Book to learn more about this amazing resource!
Don’t be afraid and put your head in the sand like a grammar ostrich! Start practicing today!
Further Reading:
What exactly is on the SAT Writing section?
SAT Grammar Rules: Subject-Verb Agreement
Why is Grammar Important?
Additional Resources:
SAT Grammar Crammer: Top 12 SAT Writing Rules (e-Book)
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