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I happened across a small but charming and fun grammar website that I found while researching my “Misplaced Modifiers” articles (Misplaced Modifiers on the SAT)
I’m always on the lookout for additional SAT grammar examples, especially fun or entertaining ones, because one place the SAT Blue Book falls short is in providing enough examples of writing multiple-choice questions.
Celebrity Grammar Example Question Sources:
This website really fits the bill for free, fun grammar examples: Celebrity Usage
Also, it has a companion site, with additional interesting grammar examples: Celebrity Grammar
Like I said, it’s a small website, and hasn’t been updated in awhile, but it doesn’t matter, because it’s got some really interesting examples of real-life celebrity grammar goofs. It analyzes and explains grammar mistakes by Angelina Jolie, Paris Hilton, Brad Pitt, and more famous stars!
If you’d like a good place to start, why not check out their misplaced modifiers examples at Celebrity Grammar: Misplaced Modifiers
The author seems to have retired, but I really like the examples, analysis, and tips they provided before they stopped blogging. If you know who they are, I’d love to hear from them and find out if they have any ongoing grammar projects!
Of course, for more SAT grammar practice you should also get my book, SAT Grammar Crammer in the online bookstore!

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Additional Resources:
Misplaced Modifiers, Part 1 and Part 2
Hilarious SAT Writing Errors: Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers
SAT Grammar Crammer: Top 12 Rules on the SAT Writing Section
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