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Even though we all handle test prep a little differently, SAT prep time is a vital component of any serious high school student’s weekly routine.
If you’re a freshman or sophomore, your SAT prep can take the form of learning new vocabulary words every day.
This will help your high school grades, boost your SAT score in the long run, help you win college and scholarship acceptances, make college much easier, and impress your future employers (more money!!)
If you’re a junior or a senior, you should be buckling down with a serious SAT study plan, setting goals and learning test content, getting 1-on-1 tutoring, and doing practice tests.
But is SAT prep important? And how important is it, really?
Believe me, you’re not the first to ask if SAT prep is worth it…
You can tell yourself the SAT is not important, but deep down you know that it is…
Because in the end, you can argue all you want about whether or not the SAT actually measures intelligence… complain about the boring reading passages…
You can point out that students should be judged on all their merits when they’re trying to get into college, like sports and musical achievements…. do original research that proves that the SAT favors students from privileged backgrounds…

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But in the end, you HAVE to put time into SAT prep or you’re going to be hurting.
How much effort will your most important SAT prep take?
I recommend a minimum of 20 total hours of SAT study; this will put you far ahead of the curve, because most students simply wake up on the morning of the test, rub the sleep out of their eyes, and doze through the sections.
They don’t learn strategies, they don’t do practice or warm-ups, they don’t have a clue. Their scores will reflect their lack of SAT preparation and they’ll have a tough time getting accepted into the best colleges and top scholarships on the basis of their low SAT scores.
SAT study is about prioritizing your time and grabbing efficient score increases. If you study properly, you don’t have to give up too much of your life to the SAT.
Deep down, I think that’s what we’re all afraid of – that we’ll waste a bunch of time studying for the SAT that could have been used to be out living, hanging out with our friends…
But SAT test prep is a trade-off, an investment into the future – your future. Believe me, you will be thanking yourself when you have your pick of colleges and scholarships to pay for them, and your friends are praying that even one school will accept them.
And that’s not all – here are 50 encouraging reasons why SAT prep is so important.
I know it might not be fun (I’m a dork, so I love working on this stuff!), or cool, or interesting… but SAT prep is one of your first major life lessons.
Spend a little free time now for a great deal of enjoyment in the future (more scholarship money, more career opportunities, bragging rights, easier college admissions, higher lifetime earnings…)
How should I begin this important SAT prep work?
- Sign up for my mailing list and get a free urgent report that you can download instantly
- Check out my SAT prep books for tips and practice straight from a professional tutor
- Practice SAT prep every day!
Now visit my SAT Prep bookstore or join the mailing list!
Further Reading:
Is SAT Prep Worth It?
SAT Importance: Can This Test Really Affect Your Future Forever?
What Type of SAT Prepper Are You?
50 Encouraging Reasons Why the SAT Is Important
Prepping the SAT at Home: The Complete Guide
How to Get Into College: The Complete Guide
Additional Resources:
My Online SAT Bookstore
Winning College Scholarships Video Course
Griffin SAT: A Video Course on Acing the SAT
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